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Eternity Rings: The Immortal Fashion Enigma Revealed

I have not heard about eternity rings. Some say, that these are ideal and immortal gift ideas for weddings and anniversaries. How are they different from an infinity ring? The splendid bands are fashioned from precious metals. These materials are set in a continuous geometric lines as uniquely represented by identically cut authentic diamonds to denote eternal love. Here are some of the jewelries’ notable trivia that you ought to know.

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Eternity rings date back from 4,000 years since the time of ancient Egyptians as an offering of eternal existence and deep feelings of love. The circular-shaped metal was studded with colorful gems which are found on the ring or half of it. Furthermore, there are other beautiful designs that pertain to both life and death featuring a serpent which mysteriously engulfs its own tail.

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Modern styled eternity rings have shimmering diamonds or any gem of your choice. Famous jewellers were so impressed with a diamond’s unbelievable tenacity and brilliance. As for its symbolism, it is a lasting enigma of fidelity, devotion and friendship. For couples, diamonds mean togetherness as well as eternal life. De Beers made these jewelries even more popular. The first set of diamonds that they used came from Soviet Union. De Beers made those delicate stones in making the first ever promise rings for husbands and wives.

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Do you have an unforgettable milestone to celebrate? Eternity rings are the best fashionable items to give as commemorative mementoes like the birth of a first born. Luxurious diamonds are beautifully combined with a glamorous set of birthstones according to the natal day of your baby. These have excellent precision settings to make sure that prolific craftsmanship has been attained. Along this line, the claw setting tops the list of setting variations. Numerous angles maximize the mystifying jewelry brilliance.

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Famous Hollywood celebrities like sultry siren Marilyn Monroe and actress Elizabeth Taylor had worn ostentatious eternity rings during their much celebrated altar dates. An eternity ring even inspired a widely acclaimed perfume brand. Eternity by Calvin Klein. So,why don’t you wear this elegantly ornamented treasure of a lifetime?

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