The Enriching History of Royal Diamonds

In the ancient times, glamorous royal diamonds were preserved during the 13th century as mandated by a sumptuary decree by Saint Louis IX. These timeless treasures were meant for a king based on the value and exotic qualities of these splendid gems. Since then, the magnificence of a royal diamond began to become evident in royal jewelries for all sexes. Likewise, the European Aristocracy was bewitched by the infinite grandeur of these never before seen ornaments.

Along this line, the artistic cutting of royal diamonds was a profitable industry that started in Venice Italy during the 1330’s. It proliferated in Paris and Bruges at the onset of the 14th century. Thus, Antwerp became the melting pot of those ostentatious merchandise for years.

Portuguese traveler Vasco de Gama suddenly discovered a secret sea route around the Cape of Good Hope, which provided an end run around the Arabic border to trade those eye-popping royal diamonds which emanated from India. Goa and Malabar Coast. The interesting points of interests were converted into trading centers. Over the centuries, a diamond en route was built from Lisbon to Antwerp.

So, why don’t you try to collect some of these exquisite royal diamonds and experience how the colorful and significant course of history had made them the most sought after fashionable momento of today?

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